Reimagining Landscapes conference at Lancaster University

The second Reimagining Landscapes conference at Lancaster University is called to continue the locating of new narratives that reappraise our relationship with the natural world. At this time of unprecedented ecosystem upheaval and species loss, we also have the knowledge of how to enact repair. Part of this process of repair is the paying of deep attention to what landscapes, wildlife, habitats and communities of all kinds are telling us. Our speakers therefore represent a broad range of interests and specialisms, including writers, artists, activists, ecologists, musicians, performers, farmers and land managers. From species restoration experts to animal rights activists and from farmer-led carbon conversations to nature restoration in cities, together they evidence how as a concept reimagining landscape is now embedded across mainstream dialogues as a way of provoking and maintaining progressive change.

Keynote speaker: Christiane Bosman, Embassy of the North Sea. Speakers include, Richard Scott and Polly Mosely, Scouse Flowerhouse; John Tweddle, Natural History Museum Urban Nature Project; visual artist Patricia Townshend; Cairngorms Connect and Cumbria Connect landscape restoration projects (Endangered Landscapes Programme) Nic Renison, farmer-led Carbon Calling advisory group;; author and naturalist Mark Cocker and young people’s voices on nature and the environment.

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Lancaster University

Bailrigg LA1 4YW United Kingdom