The Embassy of the North Sea presents – together with Studio Ossidiana (Giovanni Bellotti and Alessandra Covini) an edition of the Audement at the 10th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam.
Fifty years after the publication of the Club of Rome report, the 10th edition of the Architecture Biennale Rotterdam is taking stock. The exhibition brings historical research (from 1972 onward), inspiring practical examples (in 2022) and future scenarios (towards 2072) together. This overview paints a picture that is both worrisome and hopeful. The exhibition features the work of architects, urban designers, artists, academics and landscape designers that documents and maps the causes and consequences of climate change. Their observations create a contemporary landscape that reflects the effects of climate change and calls for a response to this constructed hyperreality.
The Embassy of the North Sea listens to the political voice of the North Sea and life in it. A nature inclusive democracy, however, also requires new political arenas. That is why we are building the Audement. Unlike in a parliament where speaking – between people – is central, in the Audement it is all about listening to non-humans: the water, the sand, the fish and the seagulls.
The edition of the Audement at IABR is imagined as a section of the earth, connecting the bottom of the sea to the sky. It is a circular garden inhabited by tall perches and bird feeders, emerging from a heap of shells and sand. As birds feed, play, and deposit guano on the heap, they disperse seeds, fertilize the ground, and become the gardeners of the heap. It is a place where to observe and be observed, feed and collect, where to do birdwatching or look for mussels, razor clams, oysters and sea snails beneath the gaze of the birds, above a bed of shells.
On November 10 november 2022 the Embassy of the North Sea will also host a pogramme at the IABR.
22 September – 13 November 2022
Location: Ferro
Keilestraat 9, Rotterdam
Photo: the Audement _ The Bird’s Palace – Studio Ossidiana