The winner of the design challenge Give a Voice to the North Sea is Speaker for the Deaf by designteam Tjesse Riemersma, Jesse Havinga, Jos Spijkerman, Marieke Druiven, Olivia D’cruz, Marina Sulima, Leah van Oorschot, Florida Visser and Hugo Heinen.
The jury was very touched by this project intellectually, visually and emotionally. The way the hearing senses of the different species are presented, in contrast to the deaf ears of humans moved the jury. Because it makes the spectators realize how much there is to be perceived and how flawed humans are in taking notion of these non-human senses and therefor tend to overlook them politically. It makes us realise how much effort from humans is needed in order to perceive the broad spectrum of senses of non-humans. The jury was impressed by the many layers of the concept and the many integrated ‘Latourian’ aspects. On top of that, the jury was very charmed by how the team was composed: it takes a lot of energy managing to work in such an interdisciplinary team in these confusing times. The jury was unanimously about this rich project being the final winner of the challenge!
The winner was announced by Caroline Hummels, professor Design and Theory for Transformative Qualities at Eindhoven University of Technology during the International Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations conference November 6.
Find out more about Speaker for the Deaf here.