Publication F/EEL by Sheng-Wen Lo & Yi-Fei Chen @Jeu de Paume

Thanks Jeu de Paume & Federica Chiocchetti for publishing the F/EEL project, by Sheng-Wen Lo & Yi-Fei Chen, commissioned by the Embassy of the North Sea!

Federica Chiocchetti: ‘’F/EEL, a complex interspecies design installation by Sheng-Wen Lo and Yi-Fei Chen that homages the everyday traumas of one of the most mysterious and slippery fishes of the ecosystem: eels. I have asked the duo to reveal some behind-the-scenes and after-thoughts on their outlandish and compelling project’’

For everyone who is as fascinated by this slippery creature as we are, read the full text here.